Private APN
The Africell Private Access Point Name (APN) solution is suitable for Point-Of-Sales (POS) Terminals, Fleet Tracking, etc. and it is designed to provide a gateway data connection by terminating traffic onto a customer’s network.
Enterprise APNs ensure a more private and secure connection between authorized mobile devices and your company’s internal private network.
Cost-effective compared to using the public Internet.
APN SIM cards connect to certain applications.
Customization includes MPLS Circuit Design and Public IP Leasing.
Use: GPS tracking devices, enterprise business applications to access servers, routers and other devices.
toll free
This service allows your customers to contact you free of charge for voice and SMS.
You will be charged for your customers call and SMS based on usage. In other words, the business bears all the traffic charges on behalf of the callers.
Allows for easy communication and effective customer relationship management (CRM)
Portrays the business as being customer friendly and encourages empathy.
Increased Response Rates.
Provides an innovative means of service differentiation and branding.
Brand perception enhancement.
short code
This service allows your customers to contact you with a reverse billing charge for voice and SMS. Customer will be charged for call and SMS made. In other words, the business will not bears cost on all the traffic charges on behalf of the callers.
Customer needs to get an Authorized short code from NaTCA
Allows for easy communication and effective customer relationship management (CRM).
Increased Response Rates.
Portrays the business as being customer friendly and encourages empathy.
Send messages securely to one or more large groups of recipients.
Communicate your campaigns and ensure that all your SMSs are delivered when you want them.
A communication channel with guaranteed reception by active recipients.
SMS delivers instant results.
The costs associated with its use are 100% controlled.
Targeted and segmented mass SMS.
PBX Connectivity
Voice service is delivered over multiple channels that are aggregated at customer premises using a Private Branch Exchange (PBX).
Connecting Branch Offices and Customers with Accessible Channels.
Virtual line assignment.
Customer service line.
Unlimited calls to SIP inside or outside the company.
Possibility of simultaneous calls.
Dedicated voice channels.
Easily integrated into existing landline Internet or leased line network.
Customized voice rate.

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