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Salone’s Leading Telecommunications and Data Operator

Post-paid and Prepaid Services
This is a multiple lines communication offer for entrepreneurs and small companies that need a tailored solution for their telephone needs

Your business will enjoy a customized tariff plan with decreasing prices according to your monthly commitment. For your business you can choose between Prepaid Hybrid and/or Post-paid lines.

The Closed User Group (CUG) is a telephony service that enables members of a particular group to do voice communication between themselves. It enables unlimited calls between all members of the Group for a fixed monthly fee per line. Sequential numbers will be provided on a complimentary basis to your Company which will be activated only upon your request.

Features and benefits
Africell will provide corporate organizations with any quantity of SIM cards with sequential numbers in various sizes as required and also replace any lost or damaged SIM card within 24 hours during working days for both Prepaid and Post Paid services.
You will be supplied with blank Prepaid and Post-paid SIMs to keep at your sites should in case you need to make replacement or new creation.
A Specific range will be reserved for your organization based on your requirements.
More than 500 Roaming Partners all around the world for Postpaid International Roaming, more than 250 RPs data roaming and more than 100 prepaid RPs.
All postpaid lines can also be included into
the CUG.
On a monthly basis, all call details and invoices for post-paid lines
will be sent by email.
International Roaming/Calls for the post-paid lines can be blocked at any time as
and when requested.
The Credit Limit/threshold of any amount will be feasible for only post-paid activated lines and it is modifiable. SMS notification will be sent to each line that reaches 50% and 80% of its Credit Limit.
All lines are able to take advantage of AFRICELL’s SIM cards supplementary services such as Call Conference which allows up to six participants in a call – including international participants, call divert, call forwarding, call waiting and call hold.
Post-paid and International Roaming

With the Post-paid and International Roaming service, each line will be billed at the end of each month based on usage with a specific limit.

A refundable deposit is required for activating the Post-paid service; Monthly Credit Limit will be set upon your Organization’s approval and you will be responsible to settle all authentic invoices incurred by all lines on a monthly basis.

Allowing/Blocking International Voice Calls and Roaming will be enabled as required.


The E-Recharge service is only applicable for prepaid lines. With this service, you can request us to directly recharge a list of numbers or a particular number (to transfer airtime to other numbers) with stated amount of airtime on a monthly basis.

Mobile Handsets

Africell has a number of high-end Smart Phones are available with monthly plan data offers.

Other Africell Buisness solutions.

High Speed Internet DATA (HSDPA)

Find an Africell shop

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